(The place and role of quantum biology in the system of sciences)
It is a generally accepted view that our well-being is based on our scientific knowledge. No day goes by not getting news of some new science sensation, discovery, or its outcome.
By ignoring the detailed processing of science history, we can conclude that the scientific view of humanity has changed significantly in the last two centuries. Scientific research and the results built on it over the last two hundred years have caused an explosive change on our planet.
The change is the most spectacular in natural sciences. It is characteristic of the development of natural sciences that research is constantly being started in new and new fields.
We have more and more knowledge of the universe, chemical and physical processes, and we believe that we have acquired the necessary skills in life sciences and biology.
Physical and chemical sciences, supplemented with quantum theory, have changed our daily lives. Few people think that creating quantum theory has happened less than 100 years ago. Nowadays the science of quantum mechanics, quantum physics, and quantum chemistry is mentioned even in primary school.
Surprisingly, in the life sciences, quantum processes are scarce, and if we find a research report or study about it, then they are limited only to the atomic, molecular, or cellular analysis of a life process.
Therefore, we can say that quantum biology as a complex interdisciplinary science does not currently exist. There are, of course, universities that deal with the biological use of quantum processes.
At the University of Technology and Economics of Budapest, 40 years ago, life science (health, sports and medicine) research began, in which the quantum phenomena of biophysical and biochemical processes have been taken into account and even the importance of quantum processes has been highlighted. These researches were built on solid foundations. We could mention the names of Erwin Schrödinger, Richard P. Feynman, James D. Watson and a long list of all the great scientists who created the quantum theory with their work or tried to integrate it into life sciences.
Erwin Schrödinger’s study “What is Life?” was published in Dublin in 1944, which was later published by Macmillan Company (USA) in book form. In this work he writes the following:
“Today, thanks to the inventive research of biologists, especially geneticists, that have been carried out over the last thirty or forty years, we know a lot about the true material structure and functioning of the living organism. But we are waiting for further answers and explanations to tell exactly why today's physics and chemistry cannot explain what is happening inside living organisms in space and time.”
Simply put, almost every physicist or chemist who wanted to adapt quantum theory to the processes of the living world was afraid of biodiversity, especially that there is no static state in life processes. The view was that "the disorder is great” in the living world. That is why Schrödinger writes in his book that “… I warned the students at the beginning that the subject is difficult, the lectures cannot be called popular, even though I do not apply the most scary weapon of physicists, the mathematical derivations. The reason was not that the subject was simple enough to be explained without mathematics, but that it was impossible to access with mathematics due to its overly complexity.”
During my recent decades of quantum biology research, I had to face this fact continuously. It is also difficult or almost impossible to mathematically derive the simplest possible life processes. Though we cannot describe even the simplest biochemical processes of life phenomena (not to mention quantum biochemical processes), life processes take place according to natural laws. This was recognized by Schrödinger and did not force "biomathematics".
He argued on the basis of a completely new approach and found that all living beings are atomic set:
“the arrangement of atoms in vital parts of living organisms and interactions between atomic systems are fundamentally different from nuclear structures which have been objects of experimental and theoretical research by physicists and chemists.”
One last quote can be used to support how Schrödinger justified the new science of the 21st century, quantum biology.
“ the most important part of the living cell can be simply called aperiodic crystal. So far, we have only studied periodic crystals in physics. For the mind of a simple physicist, these are very interesting and complex objects. The crystal is one of the most exciting and most complex material structures that makes the mind speculate. However, compared to aperiodic crystals, periodic crystals are very simple and uninteresting.”
It arises that what conclusions can be drawn from the above brief excerpts and from the forty years of research results. We are also looking for the answer to whether it contains enough knowledge to accept quantum biology as an independent science.
Let's summarize what the results were!
In the early stages of the research, Schrödinger's aperiodic crystal theory could be proven.
For life sciences it can be said (Al-Khalili) that every detail of life processes is determined by quantum rules.
Quantum biology research covered the whole of the living world. It was important to determine that every actor in the living world is a special set of naturally occurring elements (atoms) on our planet.
Quantum biology is able to interpret all details of the cycle of matter and life in a uniform manner.
Quantum biology can only become an independent science if it can be systematically incorporated in a transparent and understandable way. It is obvious that since every actor of the living world consists of precisely definable atoms and there was no, there is no and there will never be the same "atomic set" in the future, therefore it was necessary to create the theory of quantum biology.
The quantum biology system (the Triple Theory) formulates the new quantum taxonomy classification principles at thesis level, the proving of the atomic aperiodic crystal structure of living beings, the biological half-life, and the presence of photons typical for quantum processes (e.g. human radiation).
Quantum biology research has made it possible to immediately use individual results in practice and in everyday life.
The science of quantum biology, though slowly, but will find its place among the sciences. Quantum biological research and results at the University of Technology and Economics of Budapest made it possible to create a "first independent school of quantum biology". Four universities support the unified education and research programs of quantum biology. In recent decades, the scientific organization of the University of Technology and Economics of Budapest and its foundation have supported research. The University's scientific institute, with its international interest in mind, founded the Life Science Quantum Biology Organization (QUB) with the support of 8 private individuals. The organization primarily deals with the coordination of scientific work and, of course, research.
As basic research in quantum biology, but applied research is currently not receiving domestic support, it is expected that it will be carried out in foreign scientific institutions and universities under QAB control.
Quantum biology research is extremely diverse and varied, here are just two short examples for this, both can be classified as basic research in quantum biology. Basic research is usually indispensable, but the results of basic quantum biological research can be utilized immediately, for example to improve the quality of everyday life, to optimize ecosystems, to detect causal factors in civilization diseases, etc., therefore, it is possible to make the results public in many ways.
One important area of research is the quantum biology basis of survival and the cycle of life, where life is renewed and the survival of living beings is ensured (Quantum biology system). Life's renewal is only provided under certain circumstances. It needs water, gas, mineral, and last but not least photon (electromagnetic radiation, light). Many readers know immediately that I wrote the carbon cycle, which is nothing but photosynthesis. A quantum biology school (University of Surrey) also mentions it, but does not explore the complexity of this quantum process. With our research, we are looking for an explanation of what quantum processes are in the inorganic, organic and living material transitions in the cycle of matter and life, about which we do not know anything yet. Theory and experiments have also shown that photon energy makes gaseous carbon dioxide open and closed-loop compounds, while also accumulating photon energy. Creatures that accumulate photon energy maintain a diverse living world on our planet. In order to fully describe this basic research area, hundreds of pages would be needed, not to mention quantum biophysical and biochemical analyses and laws. I only show you a single molecule that we know. This molecule is part of a process, but we have no idea what kind of quantum process made its creating. Not to complicate the description, we also have no idea how this molecule goes in the cycle of life and how much energy it delivers, what molecules it combines, and finally what processes result in its return to the original state.
Another area to be explored is the complex study of electromagnetic radiation in living organisms, with particular regard to the impact on life cycle and life processes, analysing the quantum biochemical processes of living beings, photons, exitons, quantum dots. (Quantum dots are material parts (such as in semiconductor materials) in which the size of the exiton is reduced in all three directions of space. As a result, these materials have an intermediate character compared to the electronic properties characteristic of bulk semiconductors and separate molecules. Simply put, quantum dots are semiconductors whose electronic behaviour is closely related to the size and shape of each crystal. Generally, the smaller the crystal size, the greater the prohibited band-width, that is, the greater the energy difference between the highest energy valence band and the lowest energy driving band. Because of this, more energy is needed to excite the quantum dot, and similarly greater energy is released when the crystal returns to its original state.). The part of the research is the detection and investigation of electromagnetic radiation with special regard to sensors. According to the interpretation of quantum biology, the eye is the most perfect photon sensor of all time. Ideal for quantum biology research, it detects photons in high resolution. A particle of electromagnetic radiation is called photon, this is the elementary particle of the ray that the eye senses, optically arranges, and transforms the signals into a bioelectric signal, which we perceive as real images. Photon radiation has wavelengths and frequencies. The eye is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 380nm to 780nm and is the most perfect sensor in this range.
The science of quantum biology is therefore worthy of being recognized as an independent science. You can feel that there is a growing demand for quantum biology research. Uniform and complex quantum biology research can only be started in scientific institutions where basic institutional background and support are provided (such as Life Sciences Cities).
Quantum biology cannot be considered a scientific project. According to preliminary surveys, quantum biology research can produce almost immediately "significant" innovation results. It is important to note that quantum biology research sites can only be built systematically. The recommended order is as follows:
Developing the first version of the theory of quantum biology taxonomy system.
Description of the methodology of the quantum biology science field.
Analysing the atomic aperiodic crystal structure of the wildlife, systematising the results of the summary of the test results (similar to genetics).
Preparation of educational material for quantum biology science.
Utilizing the innovation results of quantum biology research.
It is promising that Chinese universities are monitoring modest domestic quantum biology research. Beyond interest, in many Chinese scientific institutions the complex introduction of quantum biology science is also conceivable.
Mihály Szacsky
Bibliography and further readings : www.pannonpalatinus.hu